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Bovec: the Wonder of the Soca

"Fill your life with adventure, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show." - Adventure store in Bovec Some places are more beautiful than words and pictures could ever describe and leave you in awe of nature, the Soca river is one of them. The river is its’ own color, somewhere between a turquoise blue and an emerald green (Soca blue!), that boldly contrasts the white rocky shores and the rising rocky grey and lush green of the surrounding mountains. Starting in the Vrsic pass from a single aquifer that pumps crisp (5 degrees C!), clean water down the mountain, winding through beautiful rocks and gorges, creating a white water paradise, slowly warming as it travels and slows down to later create serene lake-like areas in other parts of the country. Its’ hard to describe both the chill and thrill of stepping into the water for the first time, or the instant that your head dips beneath it and is equally hard to capture its’ expansive beauty with anything but a memory

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